Its Easter next week! (English that is, Greek Easter is the week after. I get two this year = 2 x chocolate eggs. Winner). Not quite sure how it’s crept up on me but it’s almost here and there is a lot of cooking to be done. I adore Easter, for Greeks it’s an even bigger celebration than Christmas. Growing up in my Grandparents restaurant meant days, even weeks of cooking (and fasting). Resulting in days of church services, midnight mass, flower garlands and massive feasts. We’d close the restaurant on Easter Sunday and have all the family and all our friends round for an enormous meal. Definitely some of my happiest memories.

Needless to say my Yiayia will have a list as long as her arm of the things we need to cook over the next few weeks, but to kick start the Easter preparations I’m posting a foolproof recipe for heavenly chocolate truffles. Laced with honey, orange blossom and citrus, they are so simple to make and are a gorgeous Easter gift. Read more…