I love autumn, it truly is my most favourite time of the year. Cold enough to snuggle up, wear layers and stay indoors, but still mild enough to invite people over for dinner (and wine) and guarantee they’ll come (by January you have to promise me an insane feast to get me to leave the house). Also I think food is at its peak. Spring and Summer are strong contenders, I know, but I love nothing more than the flavours, colours and textures of autumn. Pumpkins, squashes, mushrooms, orchard fruits, cabbage, kale, game… It combines a lot of my favourite things, including a natural desire to slow cook everything and fill the house with warm and spiced smells.
Stirring Slowly is here! Lets all eat (Strawberry Pimms) cake.
Welcome to my pimped up new site!
Georginahayden.com has had a make over, hence being a bit quiet of late, but I hope you agree it looks loads better than when it was left to me! And hopefully it’ll be easier and slicker to use. I’ll keep up with my regular recipe posting, some book extracts, as well as things like travel posts and reviews.
But for now, a bit of excitement for a Sunday eve – only 4 days to go till Stirring Slowly is out in the world!
Thanks to everyone who has preordered already, I massively appreciate it. Countdown… x