The Hayden household is slowly on the mend. But if I am honest I’m still not feeling tip top and more than ever I need some healing meals. I’ve got a few more days resting up at home and I’m making a conscious effort to up my game on the cooking front. Up until now, I’ve been all about comfort, which is fine for a while but I definitely need some more nutrients in my life. There has been a lot of soup, cheese on toast, and if I am really honest there has been a lot of chocolate (I know, I know, I blame all the Easter eggs in the shops. Tis the season). I’ve been feeling a bit sorry for myself but no amount of chocolate mini eggs are going to make me feel better (they actually make me feel worse! My jeans are definitely feeling a little snug), so it’s all about the fruit bowl and proper cooking from now on; I’ve given myself a good ol’ kick up the backside.

Today my aim was to get as much iron and as many nutrients into my lunch as possible, so I made pudla – an Indian chickpea pancake. Read more…