Happy Monday!
We’ve just got back from a week in Tulum and I’m pretty jet-lagged. Thankfully I’ve got a day at home to sort through a tonne of photos (expect a Mexico picture post next!) and reflect on all the amazing things we have seen and done this last week, it was an incredibly inspiring trip.
May is proving to be a difficult month for us, a lot of memories and a lot of build up to Archie’s birthday. There was some serious soul searching whilst we were away, a lot of reflection and we made some resolutions about what we’d like to do differently when we get home. There aren’t lots but it’s quality over quantity, and things that are achievable. Small things like waking up earlier, make time every week to exercise together (like we were doing before, we’ve been slack), small changes that will make a big difference. My weekly shop is one of those resolutions. When I first started cooking again in the early days, doing my weekly shop and meal planning gave me such a sense of achievement. I felt good knowing I was doing the best I could by feeding us well, as well as relaxing by spending time in the kitchen.

So today I did my first weekly shop. Lots of fruit and veg, organic yoghurts for breakfast, tea smoked fish for a seasonal asparagus salad, ham hocks for our favourite hash, chicken to have with mole sauce… For lunch today however I wanted something comforting and homely (although it is supposedly warm by UK standards, I’m not convinced – I’m not bringing the Birkenstocks back out just yet). Read more…